There are currently two vacancies for a Parent Governors on the Governing Body and I am writing to invite nominations from parents/carers to fill these vacancies. 

The successful candidates will become full members of the Governing Body and serve for four years with effect from November 2023.  

To be eligible for election, your child must be a registered student of this college when the election takes place.  

Governing Body meetings of this college are held once per term at 5.00 p.m. on Wednesdays.  Meetings usually last for approximately two hours and governors are expected to attend.  There is also the opportunity to serve on some of the Governing Body Committees.  

It is important that appropriate checks are made on anybody who will be working in the college to prevent unsuitable people from gaining access to children.  Accordingly, new governors must agree to provide proof of identity and undergo an enhanced DBS check in line with current advice issued by the Department of Education.  

Details of the election procedure and nomination forms are attached.  The closing date for completed nomination forms is Friday, 6th October 2023.  


Online Nomination Form

Paper copies of all documents are available on request.

If you wish to have further information regarding being a governor I should be pleased to answer your queries.

Email : watersc@stjohnbosco.org.uk

Phone : 0151 330 5142

Thank you for your continued support for the college.

Yours sincerely,

Mrs C M Waters

Clerk to the Governing Body/PA to the Headteacher/EVC


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