World Book Night

World Book Night was first celebrated in the UK and Ireland in 2011 on 5 March. In 2012 it was moved to 23 April, the UNESCO International Day of the Book and, probably, the birth and death date of William Shakespeare.

The name took its lead from the well-established and successful children’s reading celebration in UK and Ireland called World Book Day. So as 'day' is for children, then 'night' is for adults and night is also when we traditionally think about celebrations.”



At St John Bosco, we celebrated World Book Night by distributing lots of books for free! We were lucky enough to be selected as a World Book Night institution giver and had 160 copies of This Book Kills by RavenaGuron to giveaway to sixth formers students and staff. Year 7 students also received their BookBuzz books that they had chosen earlier in the year.


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