National Book Tokens’ annual DESIGN A NATIONAL BOOK TOKEN competition is back, inviting children of all ages to get creative and share their love for books and reading by designing their own fabulous gift cards!
This year’s theme is ‘Read Your Way’. Every reader is different, and there’s no right or wrong way to enjoy reading.
To enter, children should design a National Book Tokens gift card with this theme in mind – and thinking about what might make someone want to buy their gift card if it was on display in a real shop. A panel of judges will select a winner and runner-up in each of three age categories: up to 8 years, 9-12 years and 13-16 years.
All entries should be produced on A4 paper using the template (pick up a template from the Library Helpdesk or print the one attached). Entries should be returned to Miss Kinsella in the library before the deadline. The closing date for entries is Thursday 28th March 2024. Winners will be announced in May 2024.
You can download a template here: TEMPLATE
A £10/€12 National Book Token for every child in their class,* featuring their winning design – plus the opportunity to visit a bookshop, in person or virtually, to support them in choosing which books to buy with their prizes!
£350/€400 National Book Tokens for the school
£100/€115 National Book Tokens for the student
£200/€230 National Book Tokens for the school
£50 /€60 National Book Tokens for the student
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