
Extra Curricular Clubs

Extra Curricular Clubs

At St John Bosco Arts College we have an exciting timetable of extra-curricular activities to offer ALL students. The extra-curricular offer complements the taught curriculum, and goes further in enriching the school experience, allowing students to try new things, expand their knowledge and share in new experiences with others. See below for our updated timetable for this term. See staff   Read more

Welcome to the Library

Welcome to the Library

You are in the right place to find all the up to date information about what’s happening in your school Library… The library aims to develop a reading culture across the college; supporting teaching and learning, literacy, information literacy and media literacy, and to encourage students’ reading for pleasure by - using information for knowledge, understanding, imagination, and enjoyment   Read more



Welcome to the revision page, we are glad to have you here as it means you are serious about reaching your full potential - Well Done! Here you will find tips, tricks, and past papers to use for practice. Parental letter regarding exam support Year 13 Year 11 - Information Resources Subject Resources English Geography Maths Science History Ofqual Resources For advice about   Read more

Safeguarding & E- Safety

Safeguarding & E- Safety

What is Safeguarding? Safeguarding refers to the processes adopted by our college community for actively observing, monitoring, reporting and recording ALL matters which may potentially put our students at risk of harm or abuse. ALL staff have a safeguarding responsibility and receive annual training on this, we work together to keep the students in our care safe and well. The ‘Safeguarding   Read more

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