Catholic Life at St John Bosco

We hold Community Mass once a month and all are welcome, check our calendar HERE for up and coming dates


"You are young, you are special, you are loved..." (Don Bosco)

As a Catholic Salesian college, we follow the teachings of Christ and the teachings of St John Bosco. The Salesian ethos is at the heart of our teaching and learning.

We have a part time chaplain who works Monday-Thursday. The chaplain is supported by the RE department and works closely with all departments in school. Our students and young people play an active role in chaplaincy and during our liturgical year, forming our wider chaplaincy team.

Looking at the school year

In September the college year begins with 2 welcome masses for our new Year 7 and Year 12 shortly followed by a retreat or induction. We also have retreats for all year groups throughout the year. This involves taking time out of lessons for a day to focus on their new journey here at St John Bosco.

Students are given the opportunity to learn more about the Rosary with the Chaplain during the month of October, a month dedicated to Our lady.

November is a time of remembrance. Students have represented the college at Remembrance Sunday service at the cenotaph at St George’s Hall in Liverpool. Throughout this month a remembrance book is available in the prayer room for anyone who wishes to add names of their loved ones who have died and pray for them. Faith in action team sell poppies for the Royal British Legion.

During December we celebrate advent all students have the opportunity to come to the prayer room for their service of reflection, led by the Chaplain. The theme of each service is developed through the liturgical times and culminates in a whole school Prayer and Liturgy service during the last day of term. During this busy month of advent preparations students have the opportunity to attend the Archdiocese advent service at the cathedral, also we are very fortunate to be invited to visit ‘Heaven Sent’ a beautiful interactive nativity organised by Kirkby Christian fellowship. The chaplain also attends Nugent care ‘Light up a life’ service supporting some of our bereaved students. Every year we support the Samaritans purse charity - Operation Christmas Child. We have recently opened this up to the community as a drop off point in the local area, for all their gifts and donations for this wonderful charity.

Spring term again is a busy time. We begin the New Year with a celebration of our patron saint by coming together as a college to celebrate St John Bosco’s feast day. One of our Salesian priests begins the day with Holy mass which gets the days celebrations off to a great start. Our feast day is a great day of celebration and giving thanks to St John Bosco and the values he has taught us. During Lent the students have the opportunity to come to the prayer room for a Lenten service, this prepares the young people for this holy season and provides them with the space to reflect. During our final week before we break for Easter students and staff experience ‘The Passion, that portrays the last days of Jesus’ life. The chaplain created this whole school event many years ago at St John Bosco and has become part of the fabric of our school and catholic life. Working with the performing arts department a new production is created every year which is also open to the community to watch during an evening. During Lent the Chaplain collaborates with our local parish priests to hold reconciliation services in the prayer room for both staff and students.

As Christians we embrace Gospel values, our mission statement ‘Together we inspire each other to flourish in faith, hope and love.’ Is seen in the ordinariness of our everyday life. Throughout the year we are encouraged to help those in need. During the season of advent and lent we fundraise for various charities both home and away.

As a busy year comes to an end we say goodbye to our Year 11 and Year 13. Celebration plays an important role in our Salesian college, so as with the welcome masses we have leavers masses where students plan and help to prepare for their final time together as a year group.

The experience of prayer is an integral part of Religious Education and college life at St John Bosco. We have a weekly prayer theme. Collectively, staff begin their week with prayer. This worship continues into the classroom daily for the rest of the week, where all students begin their day with a moment of peace and prayer. Form tutors pray with their forms every day using liturgical materials devised by the College chaplain. The College prayer room is also available for use by all during the day.

Students reflect on scripture and prayer theme of the week during the weekly Prayer and Liturgy where they come together in their year groups. Pupil progress coordinators or leadership take the lead including times throughout the year when form classes also create and deliver. Our school prayer is spoken by staff and students at the end of the liturgy.

Faith in action

Faith in action has always been active in our school from staff and students taking part in charitable events to caring for someone in need. We have signed up to the Faith in Action Award, (see the link below) whereby students can be awarded for their acts of service to others in their local and wider community. The Award helps them connect their life and faith in a tangible manner.

Cafod Youth Leaders

Sixth form students have the opportunity to receive training to be a Cafod Youth Leader. This programme provides training for the student in communication and leadership skills whilst learning about the great work that Cafod does around the world. In the past we have walked the big Lent walk and incorporated walking to our local foodbank with donations made form our staff and students. We have also recycled plastic bottles to create doors for our stable during advent, and reusing them again to sow seeds, to grow food for our community.


At St John Bosco we continue to remember those in need, throughout the year staff and students work hard to raise money for various charities. During Lent and Advent each year group is give a charity as their focus for raising awareness and money to help the cause. Some of the charities we have helped...

· Vides Uk
· Rhys Jones Memorial Fund
· Zoes Place
· Derian House
· Woodlands Hospice
· Oliver King Foundation
· The Basement
· Asylum Link Merseyside
· The Samaritans Purse

· The Freddie Fund
· L’arche· Breakthrough Breast Cancer
· British Heart Foundation
· Nugent Care
· Teenage Cancer Trust
· Rainbows
· Owen McVeigh
· Marie Curie
· The British Legion Poppy Appeal
· The Whitechapel Centre

Reading List

If you are interested in saints, faith or service then why not try one of our book recommendations all about catholic life - simply select the 'Catholic Life' Reading List image, and click on the book cover that you are interested in. Looking for more books based on this theme? Then check out our further book recommendations on Accessit here: Catholic Life Reading List

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