My Faith has always been a big part of my life. It has given me comfort and guidance and is an important part of my work here at school. I have always found strength in my faith and draw on that strength every day. It has given a great sense of community and togetherness. Where we have faith as a community it brings us all together and gives us a shared sense of belonging and purpose.
Absolutely, I was educated myself at a Salesian school and working at St John Bosco was a great way for me to live out my faith in a Salesian way. St John Bosco gives us clear guidance on our work with young people and working at St John Bosco is brilliant way of me being able to do the job that I love with my faith and God at the centre of it and in a way that I am familiar with from my own time at school. I want our students to have the very best school experience and that includes with their faith. I think our Salesian community and our Shared faith in each other is valuable and it’s important we nurture that in our students. Our Salesian values help us to nurture each other and keep us moving forward as a school.
For me, living my faith out in school is done in everything I do. In the Prayer and Liturgy that we take part in, through the difficulties I help support our students with. I try to keep the Salesian values at the heart of my purpose in school so that the work I do every day is a reflection of my faith. It is important that I see God in everyone and that my students and colleagues see God in me. We do so many things throughout the day that it is easy to forget that sometimes, but we are reminded all the time through the small acts of kindness we do for one another, the love we show for each other and the sometimes difficult decisions we must make. If we keep God at the heart of that, we continue to live our faith through our work.
No matter what your faith may be, I would encourage you to use that to enrich your life. Through Prayer, respect and understanding of each other. Allow it to be a source of strength and let others see that in you so they can see the best version of yourself as you live your faith.
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