We are joining with thousands of other schools up and down the country again, in wrapping, packing and sending shoeboxes full of gifts – things like cuddly toys, games, balls, hats, gloves and scarves, stationery and hygiene items – to children in need around the world.
Through this campaign, we want to teach children here about generosity for others, and compassion, to make them aware of the fact that there are children elsewhere in the world who have nothing, and give them the opportunity to do something practical, yet so simple, that can make such a difference.
We are also a Drop-off centre, for anyone in the community wanting to leave their packed shoe box ready for collection, please bring them to our main reception.
Hopefully we will have some lovely gifts, leave our school destined to our children around the world who are orphaned, living in extreme poverty or displaced through war.
Many thanks for your support with this special charity as we look towards entering the season of advent.
Wondering how to pack a shoe box, what to include and what to avoid? CLICK HERE
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