The Poetry Games 2024

As the summer of 2024 approaches with a burst of sporting excitement, Young Writers invite you to embark on a poetic journey celebrating the world of games and sports. The Poetry Games poetry competition is open to students aged 4-18.

Whether you're captivated by the magic of the Olympic Games, the thrill of the Euros, the elegance of Wimbledon, or the high-speed drama of the Tour de France, let your creativity flow!

But you don’t have to be limited to the sporting arena – we welcome verses inspired by board games, video games or even your very own imaginary sports.

Craft a poem in any style and you might just score big! Share your poem with Young Writers, and you could be published in a book and win a £25 Smyths voucher to spend on a new game or sporting equipment. Unleash the power of words and let the games begin!

Download an entry form here: Entry Form

Completed entry forms should sent via school email to Miss Kinsella before the closing date.

Closing Date: 6th September 2024

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