
Welcome to the Governors' Section of the College website.  Here you will be able to access agendas and papers for the main governing body meeting and committees.  

The next meeting of the full governing body will take place on:                                          Wednesday, 13th May 2020 at 5.00 p.m

Term Dates 2021/22 - 2022/23 - 2023/24


Foundation Governors: 

Mr John Gibbons - Chair

Mrs Marion Chute - Vice Chair

Ms Allison Cain

Sister Linda Cameron

Mr Barry Collins

Ms Anne Marie Cresham

Sister Helen Murphy

Headteacher: Mr Darren Gidman

LA Representative Governor: Miss Cath O’Leary

Elected Parent Governors: Mrs Pamela King and one parent vacancy

Elected Staff Governor: Miss Sophie Lewis-Newton

Clerk to the Governors: Mrs Caroline M Waters

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