Mr Johnston co-ordinates our extracurricular activities and we caught up with him to find out what he has to say about our extracurricular activities.
Extracurricular activities offer lots of fantastic opportunities for students to learn and develop skills that extend and enhance what they learn in the classroom. There are a wide variety of activities that suit all interests and allow us to use all the different areas of our fantastic facilities.
Chess club would be the one for me. I like problem solving, coming up with new strategies and there's always something new to learn. I really enjoy a competition and there are lots of opportunities to play chess in competitions in our city. Chess club are sending 2 teams over to a tournament next month.
Everyone, the activities we have on our timetable are open to everyone and I'd love to see all students involved in as many clubs as possible, making the most of opportunities and having fun learning something new or trying something they have never done before.
I really enjoy badminton and tennis but I think I would need some help from our PE department to make sure I was sharing the right skills and techniques so maybe as we head into the spring and summer we could start a Tennis Club in time for Wimbledon.
The next big thing in extracurricular are trampolining and running they will be advertised as soon as they are opened to students so if you've never had a go at trampolining, or want to pop on your running shoes we'll be advertising them soon.
Check out the latest extracurricular timetable on the screens around school, social media and on your form notice boards or click HERE to be directed to our extracurricular page and come and join the fun.
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