The Henrietta Branford Writing Competition 2024, the annual competition for young people which runs in conjunction with the Branford Boase Award, is now open for entries.
The competition aims to find and encourage writers of the future, something Henrietta was always keen to do. Anyone under the age of 19 can enter.
This year’s theme is inspired by 2023 Branford Boase Award winner Christine Pillainayagam’s book, Ellie Pillai is Brown and this line in particular:
Taking inspiration from this excerpt from Ellie Pillai is Brown, entrants are invited to write a short story, or a poem, or a set of song lyrics about a character who has “presence”, and something special and different about them.
Character sketches/stories should be no longer than 600 words; poems or song lyrics should not exceed 40 lines. You can write less than 600 words or 40 lines but not more.
Entries close at 9am (GMT), Friday 31st May 2024.
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