18th May 2020

Morning everyone, hope you are all well! Our prayer theme this week is The Feast of Mary help of Christians and leavers. I have been thinking about what another busy time in school this week would be; anxiety around the second week of exams, the celebration of the Ascension, feast of Mary Help of Christians and our leavers mass.

I look back 8 weeks ago to when our Yr 11 and 13 was sad at the thought of this being their last day in Bosco. We may feel this sadness once more from our leavers this week as they think about what they would've been doing.

We remember their beginnings 5 and 7 years ago when they first came to us, all fresh faced, some excited, some laid back, others a little unsure and finding it difficult to adjust. As life unfolds, we learn that endings can perhaps be more difficult,and for some may feel this especially now. This year group will certainly be remembered for their journey and how life can change in an instant.

As Jesus leaves his apostles and ascends into heaven, we can empathise with the apostles. How would they cope without their teacher, their friend and how they would face their own mission going out into the wider world, serving God and following his ways, spreading the good news far and wide?

We pray for all our students who face a time of uncertainty and change, may Gods unfailing love be the constant never changing driving force to help guide and protect.

We ask Mary our mother in heaven to watch over our students who leave us this year. We pray that we can celebrate together when this virus subsides, and all feel safe to live as before.

Mary help of Christians, pray for us

John Bosco, pray for us



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