1st June 2020

Hello everyone, I hope you are all keeping well, as another week passes I am aware so much can change in our lives, I am sure we will have so many experiences to share when we return, hopefully nearing that day very soon.

As we come together in our first week back after the break I thought we could read part of a transcript by St John Paul II that is quite fitting for us as we begin to look forward to returning to the school building and being with each other once again.

My inspiration for using this came from Fr Chris Fallon,our parish priest at StTeresa’s, homily at mass yesterday. He referred to Pope John Paul II visit to Liverpool 38years ago to the day 30th May 1982 alsoduring Pentecost which wecelebrated yesterday. Many of you were not born to see this wonderful occasion when he visited both Cathedrals, either end of Hope St.

Pope John Paul commented on how he would travel through Hope St, and how it struck him as an expression of the aspirations of the people who live in this city. An expression of hope for the future, despite the many difficulties that people were facing then, theystill had great hope for their children.

He said

“.., indeed all of us, need the virtue of hope, a hope founded not on fantasy and dreams, not even on what is seen, but a hope which arises from our faith in the God who loves us and is our gentle and merciful Father. “Glory be to him whose power, working in us, can do infinitely more than we can ask or imagine; glory be to him from generation to generation in the Church and in Christ Jesus for ever and ever.”

“Send forth your Spirit . . . and renew the face of the earth” These words of the psalmist are our heartfelt prayer today, as we ask Almighty God to renew the face of the earth through the life-giving power of the Spirit. Send forth your Spirit, O Lord, renew our hearts and minds with the gifts of light and truth. Renew our homes and families with the gifts of unity and joy. Renew our cities and our countries with true justice and lasting peace. Renew your Church on earth with the gifts of penance and reconciliation, with unity in faith and love”

Words that echo with us today, let us be filled with the hope and renewal through the Holy Spirit that as we live through these difficult and uncertain times we remain hopeful for ourselves, our families and the young in our care. Let us be renewed by the Holy Spirit as we look forward to working together once again.

We ask this through Christ our Lord


Also can we please remember Bishop Vincent Malone today in your prayers, his funeral is being live streamed today at the cathedral at 4pm.

Eternal rest grant to him, O Lord; and let light perpetual shine upon him. May his soul, and the souls ofall the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace

Metropolitan Cathedral

Many thanks, have a good day

take care

Anne xx


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