Monday 20th April 2020
Weekly Prayer Theme: Easter - New life
Happy Easter everyone, good to be back and joining in prayer with you all again on this Monday morning! I hope you are all well xxx
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit
“Peace be with you” words that were spoken by Jesus to his disciples when he appeared to them after his resurrection. These words in yesterday’s Gospel Words are filled with joy that the clouds of Good Friday turned into a beautiful Easter sunrise with our Lord’s resurrection, bringing hope and peace to us all.
There have been many positive messages of love and compassion around during the last few weeks, all of which we understand and feel completely.
Captain Tom said inspiring words to us a few days ago after completing his planned walking distance to raise money for the NHS “The clouds will go away and the sun will shine again”. Words we understand and long for.
As we begin this new summer term in school let us feel together once more being encouraged by the powerful messages of Easter, new life, trust, hope and new beginnings. Remembering also Captain Tom’s words that we feel inspired to journey on through these difficult and testing times, in the promise of this Eastertide that we are again renewed in hope and peace.
We welcome the routine of the ‘new’ everyday, as different as it is to us all, and in our prayers we ask our God in heaven to affirm in us the words that are mentioned so many times in the bible ‘Do not be afraid.’
As these weeks unfold let us be more together in caring for all of our school family and all the extended families from this community giving love, care and compassion to those who are sick, those who have sadly died, and all who feel anxious.
Lord we trust in you and knowing you are by our side we will not be afraid.
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