4th May 2020

lived through those times. We have felt the restrictions and the losses of loved ones and like the images you see on the Tv this week recalling VE day we too celebrate community; from clapping on Thursdays to supporting family, neighbours, and keeping our children and our girls at school engaged.

We are also reminded of the Gospel at Sunday mass yesterday

‘I am the good shepherd, says the Lord; I know my own sheep and my own know me.’

For many of us we look to be led, there is comfort knowing that we have someone who loves, cares for us and leads us through the right path. During these difficult and scary times God is always with us, the Good Shepherd who doesn’t leave his flock.

We pray for all those who lead us in our lives and in those we trust, just as we trust in God. From our world leaders, and most importantly during this time, our scientists and medics to our leaders in work and in our own personal lives. We give thanks to God for all those who lead, however great or small, just as God does with love and compassion, our true angels and saints of today.

As shepherds to the young in our care grant we are filled with your wisdom and even though our flock is elsewhere we look forward to that day when we gather together once more.

With God in our lives he leads us to brighter days, help us to listen to his call as the shepherd in our lives.

We ask this through Christ our Lord



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